May All Your Wishes Come True
by Sinclair Noe
– 72 = 15,425
SPX – 6 = 1691
NAS – 9 = 3660
SPX – 6 = 1691
NAS – 9 = 3660
YR YLD - .01 = 2.57%
OIL + 2.57 = 105.97
GOLD + 2.30 = 1315.70
SILV + .31 = 20.66
OIL + 2.57 = 105.97
GOLD + 2.30 = 1315.70
SILV + .31 = 20.66
we started the week, I warned that August can be fairly volatile in
the stock market; it seems like the lazy days of summer and volume is
usually lackluster, as it was today, but sometimes that just
intensifies price swings. The markets were down again today, the
fourth decline in the week, and the first weekly decline on the heels
of six weeks of gains. The Dow was down 1.5% for the week. The S&P
pushed back to 1700 a few times but couldn't break through. This
week's declines don't seem to tell us much; we could go either way
next week. Yes, I know the rally is long in the tooth; going back to
March 2009, the rally is 4.4 years old, longer than the average
rally, but it really is too early to start catching falling knives.
wasn't much in the way of economic reports this week; earnings
reporting season is winding down, Congress is away on Summer recess.
guess it's been about a week since we saw the guesstimates on second
quarter GDP, and you'll recall that the guesstimates included
revisions that go back 83 years. The government is recalculating the
numbers to try to get a more accurate picture. One of the revisions
was to how research and development is counted; now it will be
considered an investment, and that adds to GDP, and makes GDP bigger
than we thought. Meanwhile, another revision shows they've been
overestimating the amount of income not reported by taxpayers; this
could include restaurant workers under-reporting tips, or people who
work for cash and don't report it. The result is that it looks like
wage earners make less than we thought.
the figures were revised, it appeared that wages and salary income in
2012 amounted to 44 percent of GDP, the lowest at any time since
1929, which is as far back as the data goes. But
the revisions cut that to 42.6 percent, which matched the revised
2010 figure as the lowest ever. The flip side of that is that
corporate profits after taxes amounted to a record 9.7 percent of
GDP. Each of the last three years has been higher than the earlier
record high, of 9.1 percent, which was set in 1929. So, the new data
shows what you probably suspected; corporations are getting richer
and workers aren't.
in the Dog Days, we've had some interesting news. Tesla makes a very
good car and their earnings are reflecting that. Priceline, the
name-your-price online hotel booking place is up around $1,000 per
share and we're feeling deja vu from 1999 all over again. And Jeff
Bezos, the guy is buying the Washington Post newspaper;
admittedly, that doesn't sound like much. I bought a newspaper the
other day along with an iced tea and I sat down and read it and got
ink on my hands and it was very satisfying. Bezos is buying the whole
biggest economic news this week came from Federal Reserve officials
talking about the need to eventually taper the Fed's bond buying
program, or more specifically slowing down the rate at which they
acquire new assets. The Fed may actually be able to slow down the
volume of purchases and still increase the share that they take out
of the market. The Fed would have a difficult time just changing
course; they recognize that sudden change is problematic. And so they
are taking very, very small steps; actually right now, they only
talking about the possibility of taking small steps. And if it starts
to hurt; they will stop. And they will huddle back in their corner.
the huddle in the corner will not include Ben Bernanke, he's planning
on hanging up his lasso and riding into the sunset, or at least into
a cushy job with some humongous private financial firm. Today,
President Obama held a press conference and while most of the talk
was on how the government is spying on everybody, including me and
you; and by the way, Mr. Obama feels this is justified; there was
also a question on his pick to replace Bernanke. He hasn't decided
yet, but he says he has a “range of outstanding candidates”
including Larry Summers and Janet Yellen; and whomever it is, they
should remember the Fed has a dual mandate to maintain price
stability and avoid inflation, and also to achieve full employment.
press conference covered a wide range of issues, including Republican
opposition to Obamacare, which Mr. Obama described as an “ideological
fixation.” A
key part of the law begins on Oct. 1, when insurance exchanges start.
Under that provision, the 15 percent of Americans still without
health insurance will, for the first time, be able to sign up for
coverage at a significantly cheaper rate than what they can buy on
the individual market. Those who still can't afford insurance at
those reduced rates can get a tax credit under Obamacare.
Oct. 1 start date for the exchanges coincides with the date that
Congress needs to pass a temporary spending bill to keep the
government running. Tea party Republicans have vowed not to pass that
spending measure, and shut down the government in the process, if the
bill includes any funds for Obamacare.
what's the biggest crisis facing the country right now? A CBS poll
asked Americans which issue they feel Congress should focus on, and
the answers included the economy, followed by the budget deficit,
health care and education. What's interesting here is what didn't
make the top responses. Fill in the blanks for yourself.
we keep getting hints of a spine in financial regulators. The SEC is
now trying to get JPMorgan to admit to wrongdoing in connection with
an investigation of the multi-billion dollar trading losses by the
London Whale. For decades, the big banks have settled suits and the
SEC has allowed them to “neither admit nor deny wrongdoing”. And
even now, the SEC is looking at a civil suit, not criminal charges,
and there does not appear to be any threat of charges against
JPMorgan senior management.
losses in the case have now grown to more than $6 billion, stemming
from derivatives bets made by JPMorgan's Chief Investment Office in
London. The top trader at the CIO office was Bruno Iksil, also known
as the London Whale. Iksil is said to be cooperating with US and UK
regulators. And the bank is expected to be fined by the British
regulators. Meanwhile the FBI and federal prosecutors in Manhattan
are uncovering emails and phone records to see who knew what and
when, regarding the size of the losses. The bank initially told
investors that the losses would maybe be $2 billion. Jamie Dimon, the
CEO, described the losses as a “tempest in a teapot”. Dimon is
not personally suspected of wrongdoing in the investigation. But it
appears the traders in London breached the bank's risk limits in
making their derivatives trades, and that points to a lack of
internal controls.
one phone call last year, the London Whale, Mr. Iksil, told a
colleague that the bank’s estimated losses were “getting
idiotic.” Mr. Iksil added that “I can’t keep this going” and
that he did not know where his boss in London “wants to stop.”
Investigators suspect the traders' concerns were not relayed to upper
management of the bank in keeping with industry standards. Of course,
the investigation might get even more interesting if those concerns
were relayed to management.
if JPMorgan moves beyond this investigation, they still have eight
other federal agencies investigating their practices, including
possible criminal and civil violations, plus at least one state
regulator, and two European nations. The SEC calling for an admission
of wrongdoing represents a major shift in attitude by the new SEC
Commissioner Mary Jo White. Ms. White won't be involved in
prosecuting JPMorgan because she has recused herself because she used
to represent the bank back when she was in private practice. Still,
if the SEC wins, it represents one of the toughest penalties faced by
the banksters; they have to say out loud that they did a bad, bad
thing, and Ms. White might even force them to write on the blackboard
100 times: “I'm sorry I lied to investors.”
that'll teach 'em.
Silver Fire grew overnight to more than 16,000 acres, or about 25
square miles, with winds pushing the fire east towards Palm Springs.
Firefighters say they have reached 25% containment but the fire is
still growing. We wish them the best in their fight.
finally, the Perseid Meteor shower can be seen this weekend; best
times will be Sunday and Monday nights. Try to stay away from city
lights, hope for clear skies, and enjoy nature's free show, and may
all your wishes come true.
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