Probability High Consequence
Sinclair Noe
– 159 = 14,776
SPX – 20 = 1655
NAS – 75 = 3694
10 YR YLD un = 2.63%
OIL + .53 = 103.56
GOLD – 3.50 – 1319.90
SILV - .06 = 22.39
SPX – 20 = 1655
NAS – 75 = 3694
10 YR YLD un = 2.63%
OIL + .53 = 103.56
GOLD – 3.50 – 1319.90
SILV - .06 = 22.39
Dow Industrials are down for 11 of the past 14 sessions, posting a
loss of nearly 900 points. It's not exactly a crash; Wall Street is
still expecting a resolution to the debt ceiling and the shutdown.
The debt ceiling will likely be resolved with some short-term
band-aid, but there is a chance that the idiots will mess it up and
there will be a default. There is a low probability of default but a
high consequence; that's a nasty mix and the reason I don't play
Russian Roulette.
financial markets are only slowly getting
worried about the possibility of a debt default, but in one tiny
corner of the bond market things are starting to look a little
investors dumped one-month Treasury bills due for payment after
October 17, the date the Treasury Department has warned it will no
longer have the cash to pay all of its obligations unless Congress
raises its borrowing limit, known as the debt ceiling. Every day that
passes after that date raises the risk the government will default on
some of its debt. These short-term bills will probably be the first
to go unpaid. Interest rates and bond prices move in opposite
directions; so as prices dropped today, rates spiked, which means the
government is paying more to borrow for one month than it does to pay
for one year, a freak occurrence. Yep, everything is going exactly
according to plan.
Obama held a news conference today, calling on Republicans to both
fund and reopen the government and to raise the nation’s borrowing
limit as the federal shutdown entered a second week. President Obama
phoned Speaker Boehner earlier this morning to urge him to allow a
House vote on a budget bill without conditions, as Mr. Boehner called
on the president to come to the negotiating table to resolve a
spending standoff that has shuttered the government for eight days.
far this whole shutdown hasn't been working out. What has been
accomplished? Damage the livelihood of millions of Americans? Check.
Government secretaries, food-truck operators, cleaners who work in
motels near national parks: They’re all hurting. Waste billions of
taxpayer dollars? Check. It costs a lot to shut agencies, Web sites
and parks, and it will cost a lot to reopen them. Meanwhile, the
House has voted to pay the salaries, eventually, of hundreds of
thousands of employees whom it has ordered not to work.
the lack of accomplishment just reinforces intransigence. In private,
it appears Speaker Boehner has told his allies that he won’t bring
up a clean CR, and he’s hopeful that as the deadline nears,
President Obama will deal. It'd be nice to read that in private,
there was some more conciliatory language, but at the moment, all of
the private rhetoric is about hardening people's positions and
convincing the team that the other side will cave.
1860, Abraham Lincoln had some choice words for Southerners who
charged that he, not they, would be to blame for secession if Lincoln
refused to compromise on the extension of slavery. Lincoln said: “A
highwayman holds a pistol to my ear, and mutters through his teeth,
‘Stand and deliver, or I shall kill you, and then you will be a
murderer!’ ”
while there may be a low probability of default, you still have to
consider who's got a finger on the trigger. The debt ceiling is
considered leverage, not a bullet to the skull.
even if there is a stop-gap resolution to the debt ceiling and the
shutdown, we still have other issues to deal with. The international
Monetary Fund today issued a warning to central banks to move with
extreme caution as they wind down emergency stimulus, warning that a
botched exits risk setting off an asset crash in emerging markets and
worldwide contagion.
report said a witches’ brew of sliding currencies and excess credit
could spin out of control. “Thin markets could amplify price
movements and kick off sale spirals. Contagion effects could both
amplify and broaden asset price movements and capital outflows as
investors flock out of emerging market economies.”
yeah, the taper!
Supreme Court is in session again. I'm not sure how that works in a
government shutdown. Maybe they pay the stenographer with an IOU, or
a gift card to Wal-Mart. Today they heard arguments in a very
important case, McCutcheon
v. Federal Election Commission,
a case that maybe you could call Citizens United 2.0.
Here's the
background. During the 2012 election season, Shaun McCutcheon, an
electrical engineer who lives in Alabama, started
making donations to
all the candidates he supported. He made
many donations, always staying under the donation limit of $2,500.
Eventually, though, McCutcheon went over a different limit: the cap
on the overall amount
of money a single donor can dole out. Political donors can give
no more than $123,200 during the two-year election cycle—$48,600 to
federal candidates and $74,600 to political parties and related
committees. McCutcheon believed the aggregate limit was unreasonable
and unconstitutional, and so, with the backing of the Republican
National Committee, a coplaintiff in his case, he sued his way to the
Supreme Court.
stake in McCutcheon is
whether it's constitutional for the government to cap overall
donations made by a single political donor. McCutcheon, his lawyers,
and their conservative allies say the limit curbs First Amendment
rights and does little to guard against corruption or the appearance
of corruption, the court's justification for placing limits on
political giving and spending. On the other side, campaign finance
watchdogs and their lawyers say ending the aggregate limit would
create a system in which wealthy donors could cut multimillion-dollar
checks to candidates and parties, making Republicans and Democrats
alike even more beholden to wealthy contributors.
Supreme Court's landmark 1976 case Buckley
v. Valeo upheld
the overall contribution limit, at the time set at $25,000 for every
two-year cycle. The court held that limiting the amount of
contributions imposed only a marginal restriction on speech since the
important thing was the act of contributing, not the amount). And the
court said the government's interest in preventing corruption and the
appearance of corruption justified that marginal restriction.
forward to Citizens
which overturned a couple of previous decisions that argued that some
donation limits are constitutional. What happens if the overall cap
is eliminated? A single donor could give nearly $3.7 million by
maxing out his or her donations to every candidate of a preferred
party, plus the state committee, the national party and its
affiliated committees. With the overall limit scrapped party
operatives could create mega-fundraising committees that can solicit
seven-figure checks and then spread the money far and wide within
their party at the federal and state level.
wait, there's more! The Supreme Court has agreed to let a lawyer for
the Kentucky Republican Seantor Mitch McConnell argue before the
court. McConnell, the Senate minority leader is a vehement foe of
campaign finance regulations; he led the fight to overturn the 2002
McCain-Feingold law with his suit, McConnell
v. FEC,
which he lost, and he has repeatedly filibustered Senate bills to
beef up disclosure of dark money spending in our elections.
time, McConnell wants to go even farther than McCutcheon;today the
attorney for McConnell argued that the court should revisit the
underlying legal principle that justifies whether there should
be any limits
on contributions to candidates. The aggregate contribution
limits, he said, force candidates and political parties to compete
for an "artificially limited pool of money." That seems a
strange argument in light of Citizens United which allows an
individual, like Mr. McCutcheon, to say whatever he wants and spend
as much as he wants on independent, campaign related messages.
FEC will have a tough row to hoe before the Roberts Court. The FEC
seems to be arguing against an overall cap, but if an individual can
give a few thousand to 23 different candidates, why not give the same
amount to a 24th
candidate? Based upon today's arguments, that is probably what will
decide the issue, but it misses the point. This is not a case about
freedom of speech. One thing the Court has not truly explained is how
spending a boatload of money is considered free speech. Of course,
one should be free to speak about the government and politics, but I
don't think that should include the ability to buy politicians and
then bribe them to look after one's special interests.
Madison wrote that government should be dependent on the great body
of the people and not an inconsiderable proportion, or a favored
class of it. There was a time, in the late 19th Century I believe,
when business moguls actually put bags of cash on the desks of
politicians to buy favors. Money has always been involved in this
country's electoral politics, but many of the most blatently corrupt
practices were reigned in during the 20th Century. Now, we seem to
have returned to the age of the robber barons and to politicians who
are for sale to the highest bidder. At every level, bottom to top,
campaign contributions are a bribe. And what the Supreme Court is
deciding is the difference between a democracy and an oligarchy;
unfortunately that is not what they will consider, and that is part
of the shame.
justices will issue their opinion in McCutcheon before the end of
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