Austerians v. Keynesians
by Sinclair Noe
+ 24 = 14,700
SPX + 6 = 1585
NAS + 20 = 3289
10 YR YLD + .01 = 1.71%
OIL + 1.79 = 93.22
GOLD + 36.70 = 1469.20
SILV + 1.24 = 24.50
SPX + 6 = 1585
NAS + 20 = 3289
10 YR YLD + .01 = 1.71%
OIL + 1.79 = 93.22
GOLD + 36.70 = 1469.20
SILV + 1.24 = 24.50
years ago the banking system nearly imploded and almost resulted in a
meltdown of the global financial system. Three years ago Congress
passed the Dodd-Frank financial reforms, aimed at correcting some of
the problems of 2008. Dodd-Frank may have included some good ideas,
but you had to wade through 2,000 pages to find anything worthwhile.
Much of the legislation has still not been implemented, and on the
issue of averting another banking system implosion, it really didn't
do much; it basically called on regulators to do a better job of
catching problems and nipping them in the bud. We all know that's not
going to happen.
so, the biggest banks have been getting bigger than before the
financial crisis and it's widely believed that if a big bank were to
fail, they would be bailed out.., again. The government considers
these banks to be Systemically Important Financial Institutions,
which means they are Too Big to Fail. That
implied backing has given firms a green light to engage in risky
activities that pose a threat to the financial system.
Senators David Vitter and Sherrod Brown introduced legislation that
aims to end the implicit guarantee of a government bailout. Brown and
Vitter are calling for big banks with more than $500 billion in
assets to have capital equal to 15 percent of their assets. Banks
with at least $50 billion would have to set aside 8 percent.
Community banks, those below the $50 billion threshold, would be
exempt because they typically have large reserves.
are global capital requirements for big banks; known as the Basel III
requirements, but that is a risk-weighted measure; the banks can
still count very risky assets, although less-risky assets get a
higher ranking.
legislation presents Wall Street megabanks with a clear choice:
either have enough of your own capital to cover your own losses or
downsize until you are no longer a risk to taxpayers. The banks are
opposed to the idea. Shocking, right? The banks claim that if they
have to hold enough capital to cover their losses, that means they
would have to cut back on lending. This would probably be a better
argument if the banks were actively expanding their lending as
opposed to actively expanding their proprietary trading.
is proposed legislation at this time. And even though it has strong
populist support, it probably has a snowballs chance in Blythe, in
July. However, it should prove a valuable fundraising tool for the
politicians willing to oppose it. Brown and Vitter may have honorable
intentions, but this is how Congress really makes its pocket and
re-election money.
five years down the road; no solutions.
the past five years there has also been a debate about how to lift
the economy out of the hole left by the near financial meltdown. One
one side were the Keynesians and on the other side, the austerians.
The Keynesians, following the ideas of the British economist John
Maynard Keynes, wanted to increase government spending to offset
weakness in the private sector. The idea is that this stimulus
spending would reduce unemployment, create demand, and prop up
economic growth. The austerity crowd wanted to cut spending to reduce
deficits and restore confidence. The austerians were following the
ideas of economists Kenneth Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart, among others,
who claimed that if governments did not cut spending,
countries would soon cross a deadly 90% debt-to-GDP threshold, after
which growth would be permanently impaired.
was more than just an academic debate. Japan embraced austerity and
its economy stagnated for two decades. Europe embraced austerity and
its economy has been battling rolling waves of recessions, and in
some countries, economic depression. The most recent numbers out of
the Euro-zone show new highs in unemployment for Greece, Spain, and
France. Distrust of the Union is at all time highs. On Monday, José
Manuel Barroso, the European commission president said the austerity
policies being applied, mainly under pressure from Berlin,
had reached
the "limits of political and social acceptance" and
were "unsustainable" in their current form.
in the US, we have seen a mix of austerity and stimulus and the
results have been mixed as well. We cut back on government jobs; we
had the fiscal cliff; we are now facing the sequester. If you don't
like the idea of long delays at the airport, sorry but that's just
the beginning. The sequester is throwing around 600,000 people out of
work according to the Congressional Budget Office. These are people
who have the necessary skills to fill jobs in the economy but who
will not be working because people in Washington lack the skills to
design policies to keep the economy near full employment. It just
makes sense that the government needs to address budget issues and
eliminate waste and fraud and unproductive programs. Meanwhile, the
Federal Reserve has been pumping money into the financial system, but
not into the broader economy. The results have been sluggish growth,
unsustainable growth. So, QE doesn't seem to be successful, either.
then last week we learned that the Rogoff-Reinhart paper was based on
bad arithmetic. Once the error was corrected, the "90%
debt-to-GDP threshold" instantly disappeared. The discovery of
this simple math error eliminated one of the key "facts"
upon which the austerity movement was based. So, you might think the
debate is over; the Keynesians have defeated the austerians; stimulus
beats sequesters. Not so fast.
debt is still problematic, just that the specific levels of 90% debt
to GDP is not a precise level. And stimulus, at least in the form of
Quantitative Easing, hasn't been nearly as effective as we would
like. So, what's wrong? The biggest problem is that the stimulus has
been coming from the Federal Reserve in the form of monetary policy
and not from the government in the form of fiscal policy. The Fed has
been stimulating the banks by adding more debt to the financial
system; this is the equivalent of putting out fire with gasoline.
all the money the Fed has been pumping into the banks, has not
trickled into the broader economy. QE
does not actually increase the circulating money supply. It merely
cleans up the toxic balance sheets of banks. Ben Bernanke is infamous
for suggesting that the Fed could crank up the printing press, or to
follow the idea of Milton Friedman, deflation could be cured by
simply dropping money from helicopters. A real “helicopter drop”
that puts money into the pockets of consumers and businesses has not
yet been tried. Why not?
seemed logical enough. If the money supply were insufficient for the
needs of trade, the solution was to add money to it. Most of the
circulating money supply consists of “bank credit” created by
banks when they make loans. When old loans are paid off faster than
new loans are taken out (as is happening today), the money supply
shrinks. The purpose of QE is to reverse this contraction.
QE isn't really a matter of the Fed cranking up the printing press;
it is actually an asset swap. The Fed exchanges dollars for the
banks' toxic assets. It's a way to clean up the banks' balance
sheets; it probably keeps the banks from going bankrupt and creating
another financial meltdown, but it does nothing for the balance
sheets of federal or local government, or most businesses, or
easing as practiced today is not designed to serve the real economy.
It is designed to serve bankers who create money as debt and rent it
out for a fee, or use it for trading. Bernanke has long claimed that
he needs the help of fiscal stimulus to really stimulate the economy.
Maybe, but it doesn't really seem the Fed has done it's part to
stimulate the broader economy, rather it has decided that the broader
economy takes a backseat to resuscitating the zombie banks. And at
the same instance that Bernanke calls for fiscal assistance, the Fed
proclaims it's independence from the government. Bernanke has
proclaimed this independence on several occasions. The unanswered
question is that if the Fed doesn't serve the government, then who do
they serve?
the austerian crowd, their debt limits have been debunked, but even
worse, their timing sucks. Cutting budgets while simultaneously
propping up the balance sheets of the banksters is a double whammy
that drains the life blood of economic growth. The QE stimulus
doesn't send money to Main Street and the budget cuts take money away
from Main Street. It shouldn't surprise you to learn that this
combination isn't working. Money has not been circulating. The
velocity of money has now slowed to a near standstill; a mere ratio
of 1.54, the lowest in more than 60 years.
now that the austerian arguments are in shatters, it would seem a
good time to revisit stimulus; not stimulus for the big banks, but
direct stimulus. And one of the questions that must be asked is what
is the definition of public debt? We know there are big differences
in household debts. We know that if we accumulate debt for consumer
purchases, we can quickly dig a hole. But if we accumulate debt to
start a business or to educate our family so we can get a better job,
that debt might be worthwhile. In short, there is a difference
between debt and investment.
one lesson we should have learned from the financial crisis is that
we can't count on the banks to facilitate investment in the broader
economy. We have a choice to support the banks' toxic balance sheets
and their gambling addiction or support investment in the local
economy. Of course that would require some legislative and executive
backbone; so don't hold your breath.
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