your Calendar, April 5 & 6 and make your reservations for the
2013 Wealth Protection Conference in Tempe, AZ. For conference
information visit
or click here
or call 480-820-5877. This year's conference features Roger Weigand,
Nathan Liles, David Smith, Mark Liebovit, Arch Crawford, Ian McAvity,
Bill Tatro, and I will speak on Friday. There is an expanded Q&A
session with all speakers on Saturday. I hope you can attend.
The World Changes, Some Things Don't
by Sinclair Noe
+ 5 = 14,455
SPX + 2 = 1554
NAS + 2 = 3245
10 YR YLD un = 2.02%
OIL - .03 = 92.51
GOLD – 5.00 = 1588.70
SILV - .23 = 29.02
Today, the chimney billowed white smoke. The Catholic church has a new pope; Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio; he'll be called Francis, and he is from Argentina. This is a big change; a non-European pope. Though there is some controversy, Pope Francis has been described as a modest man, a simple man, very much involved in social justice, and he is known for his service to the poor. The world changes.
SPX + 2 = 1554
NAS + 2 = 3245
10 YR YLD un = 2.02%
OIL - .03 = 92.51
GOLD – 5.00 = 1588.70
SILV - .23 = 29.02
Today, the chimney billowed white smoke. The Catholic church has a new pope; Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio; he'll be called Francis, and he is from Argentina. This is a big change; a non-European pope. Though there is some controversy, Pope Francis has been described as a modest man, a simple man, very much involved in social justice, and he is known for his service to the poor. The world changes.
things don't change. The poor are still poor, the rich are still
rich. A new pope doesn't change that. Record highs for the Dow
Industrial Average does not change that. The
wealthiest 10 percent of households own 80 percent of all corporate
is good times for corporate America. Even as corporate profits have
rocketed up by 20 percent a year since the end of 2008, the
chieftains are still refusing to increase hiring and are holding down
wages. As a result, the share of America's total income that goes to
workers has now tumbled to the lowest level in nearly half a century.
Today's massive backlog of unemployed and underemployed workers
allows corporations to bring in hoards of top-quality applicants and
literally toy with them. It's now common for a job-seeker to return
five, seven, nine or more times to the same company hiring hall for
senseless rounds of interviews - only to have the company whimsically
decide not to fill the opening at all.
Google to Starbucks, major corporations have roughly doubled the
duration of their interview process in the last two years. The New
York Times noted that one fellow seeking a video-editing job was run
through a gauntlet of nine interviews and made to undergo a
ridiculous battery of psychological and personality exams, along with
a math quiz and a spelling test - after which the company simply
closed the opening.
yes, but expensive, too. The out-of-work interviewee has to pay for
producing work samples and cover the cost of everything from dry
cleaning to parking fees. The job-dangling corporation, on the other
hand, can simply force existing employees to shoulder a heavier load,
while it trifles with applicants looking for what is laughingly
referred to in CorporateSpeak as "the purple squirrel" - an
applicant too qualified to exist.
world changes, yet it is still full of inequality. Even
as the nation’s life expectancy has marched steadily upward,
reaching 78.5 years in 2009, a growing body of research shows that
those gains are going mostly to those at the upper end of the income
ladder. If you have money, you are likely to live longer and
tightening economic connection to longevity has profound implications
for the debate about trimming the nation’s entitlement programs.
Citing rising life expectancy, influential voices including the
Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction commission, the Business Roundtable
and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have argued that it makes
sense to raise the eligibility age for Social Security and Medicare.
raising the eligibility ages — currently 65 for Medicare and moving
toward 67 for full Social Security benefits — would mean fewer
benefits for lower-income workers, who typically die younger than
those who make more.
life expectancy has improved substantially since the first Social
Security payments were issued in 1940. Then, a man who made it to 65
could expect to live 12.7 years, compared with 18.6 years in 2010. A
woman who turned 65 in 2010 could expect to live 20.7 more years,
compared with 14.7 in 1940.
trend helped persuade lawmakers in 1983 to slowly move the age people
could receive full Social Security benefits from 65 to 67, a change
that will be complete in 2027. Now, as the cost of providing old-age
benefits has emerged as the key driver of the nation’s long-term
budget deficit, there is increasing pressure to again raise the
retirement age — this time for both Medicare and Social Security.
given the widening differences in life expectancy for people on
opposite ends of the income scale, that would mean a benefit cut that
falls heaviest on people who generally are most reliant on Social
Security for their retirement income. It doesn’t take a rocket
scientist to figure this out You just have to look at the
socioeconomic and demographic differences: unemployment, education
levels, and income to understand what is going on. This is fueled by
poor economics and a lack of access to health insurance and health
this is the backdrop for competing budget plans in Washington.
Yesterday, Paul Ryan presented the Republican plan. From the looks of
it, the Ryan budget for fiscal year 2014 looks mostly like the Ryan
budget for FY2012 and FY2011, with the added extra of banking the tax
hikes he didn’t vote for in the fiscal cliff deal. It includes the
same vague goal of marginal tax brackets of 10% and 25%, vouchers
instead of Medicare, the repeal of Obamacare while keeping the
revenue-raisers from Obamacare intact. In a press conference, Ryan
explained: “We are not going to give up on destroying the
healthcare system.” There are more details, but it really doesn't
matter because it will never pass.
noteworthy is today's budget plan from Senate Democrats. The topline
numbers include $1.95 trillion in deficit reduction over 10 year,
split between tax hikes and spending cuts, with $100 billion in new
spending on a jobs program. This is smaller than Ryan's $5 trillion
in cuts, which all come from the spending side.
The spending cuts are divided up this way: $493 billion in domestic savings, including $275 billion in health care cuts that the Democratic source said would not harm seniors or families. Defense spending would be cut by $240 billion in accordance with troop drawdowns from overseas operations. An additional $242 billion in savings come from reduced interest payments.
perhaps possible to come up with $275 billion in health care cuts
that “would not harm seniors or families,” but that would have to
include reducing payments to stakeholders, something our captured
Congress has found nigh impossible, especially when they’ve already
handed over the forced market that insurers and hospitals and drug
companies accepted as payment for their token give-backs in the
Affordable Care Act.
any rate, discretionary spending is already on a trajectory lower
than what we spent as a percentage of GDP in the Eisenhower
Administration. The usual argument here is that cuts to social
insurance help “protect” the discretionary budget, but they both
come up for cuts here.
the Progressive Caucus issued their own plan. That budget, titled
"Back to Work," offers a list of progressive priorities --
a public option for health care, negotiation of Medicare drug prices,
a carbon tax, defense cuts, a financial transactions tax, much higher
marginal tax rates for millionaires and billionaires, capital gains
taxed as ordinary income, and public works projects, among dozens of
other ideas.
the middle of all of this is the White House. And they appear to be
engaged in the tactic of saying different things to different
audiences. The President said: “My goal is not to chase a balanced
budget just for the sake of balance,” and that he’s focused on
growing the economy. He also took a few swipes at the big fat target
that is the Ryan budget. And then he told Senate Democrats on Tuesday
that his budget to be released in April would align closely with
their priorities. He also warned that Democrats need to embrace at
least some changes to unsustainable entitlement programs in order to
achieve their long-term priorities. But Obama acknowledged that
Social Security and Medicare, big drivers of federal spending,
wouldn’t survive without some changes to save money. Obama added
that Republicans must first agree to more revenue hikes before the
White House would concede on changes to entitlement programs.
we'll start sifting through all the plans and there is a good chance
the politicians won't agree on anything, let alone a grand bargain.
They have started the discussions at diametrically opposed positions.
Delay is itself a policy. Sins of omission may be less visible than
those of commission, but they are no less venal for that. Slowly and
incrementally, the erosion of public programs triggered by the
sequester is beginning to bite. There is no one dramatic moment in
that process, of course, just slow death by a thousand cuts. Or they
might just crash the government for lack of any better ideas.
where is the moral outrage when, due to intransigence, the poorest
amongst us find their resources diminished, while the profits and
incomes of the privileged bounce back as if the past 5 years never
was right: Poverty is the worst form of violence. I don't know what
the knew pope will say about poverty, but I hope he has studied
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