your Calendar, April 5 & 6 and make your reservations for the
2013 Wealth Protection Conference in Tempe, AZ. For conference
information visit
or click here
or call 480-820-5877. This year's conference features Roger Weigand,
Nathan Liles, David Smith, Mark Liebovit, Arch Crawford, Ian McAvity,
Bill Tatro, and I will speak on Friday. There is an expanded Q&A
session with all speakers on Saturday. I hope you can attend.
Wait, There's More!
Sinclair Noe
– 25 = 14,514
SPX – 2 = 1560
NAS – 9 = 3249
10 YR YLD - .04 = 2.00%
OIL + .42 = 93.45
GOLD + 2.60 = 1593.90
SILV - .04 = 28.87
SPX – 2 = 1560
NAS – 9 = 3249
10 YR YLD - .04 = 2.00%
OIL + .42 = 93.45
GOLD + 2.60 = 1593.90
SILV - .04 = 28.87
the Ides of March.
winning streak is over. These things don't last forever. It's just
one day.
bad news continues for JPMorgan Chase. Bank executives have been
appearing before the a Seante panel investigating the $6 billion
trading losses of the London Whale. Today's hearing
and a subcommittee report released on Thursday paint a damning
picture of a bank and high-level employees raking in huge payouts
while ignoring risks, deceiving investors, fighting with regulators
and trying to work around rules as losses mushroomed in a derivatives
Subcommittee investigators, largely the same crew who unraveled
financial scandals surrounding infamous Goldman Sachs trades like
Abacus and Timberwolf, and also took on HSBC's trans-global
money-laundering activities in an extraordinarily detailed report
issued last summer, have now taken aim at the heart of the
Too-Big-To-Fail issue through its investigation into the CIO trading
unit of JPMorgan Chase, and the losses by the head derivatives
trader, Bruno Iksil, also know as the London Whale, or sometimes
known as Voldemort.
you want to learn more about the story, there has been some excellent
reporting by Matt
Taibbi, including live blogging from the hearings.
you know what the London Whale story is all about, pat yourself on
the back; most people think it has something to do with a Disney
character. What the better informed people know is that JPMorgan
Chase lost a whole lot of money on very complex trades in
derivatives, and somehow this was bad, and the rest is a mystery.
should we care if a private bank, or more to the point a
private banker like
Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, loses a few billion here and there? What
business is it of ours? And why did we have to have congressional
hearings about it last year? There are still Chase banks in town; the
ATMs still work. So what if there is a little less profit.
Jamie Dimon seems perplexed at all the attention on Capitol Hill.
Dimon appeared before the Senate Committee, and he needs to be called
back, though that might not happen. Dimon acted as if the whole thing
was some silly grandstanding. It is not.
new report by the Permanent Subcommittee answers the question of why
the public needs to be aware of the London Whale. The report
describes an epic breakdown in the supervision of so-called "Too
Big to Fail" banks. The report confirms everyone's worst fears
about what goes on behind closed doors at such companies, in the
various financial sausage-factories that comprise their profit-making
operations. And the London trading desk, known as the CIO, was a
major profit center for JPMorgan Chase.
the information in the report is correct, Chase followed the
behavioral model of every corrupt/failing hedge fund this side of
Bernie Madoff and Peregrine Financial and MF Global, only it did it
on a much more enormous scale and did it with federally-insured
deposits. The fund used (in part) federally-insured money to create,
in essence, a kind of super high-risk hedge fund that gambled on
credit derivatives, and just like Sam Israel did with his Bayou fund,
when it got in trouble, it resorted to fudging its numbers in order
to disguise the fact that it was losing money hand over fist.
for years hid the very existence of this operation from banking
regulators and lied about the purpose of the fund (saying it was
purely a hedging operation when it stopped being a hedge and instead
became a wild directional gamble), and it also changed the way it
calculated the fund's value once it started to lose hundreds of
millions of dollars. Even worse, the bank's own internal auditors
signed off on the phoney accounting of this Synthetic Credit
Portfolio (SCP), at one point allowing it to claim $719 million in
losses when the real number was closer to $1.2 billion.
did they do this? In the years leading up to January of 2012, Chase
used a standard, plain-vanilla method to price the derivative
instruments in its portfolio. The method was known as "mid-market
pricing": if on any given day you had a range of offers for a
certain instrument – the "bid-ask" range – "mid-market
pricing" just meant splitting the difference and calling the
value the numerical middle in that range.
in the beginning of 2012, Chase started to lose lots of money on the
derivatives in its SCP, and just decided to change its valuations,
that they weren't in the business of doing "mids" anymore.
One executive thought the "market was irrational." As the
Subcommittee concluded:
By the end of January, the CIO had stopped valuing two sets of credit index instruments on the SCP's books, the CDX IG9 7-year and the CDX IG9 10-year, near the midpoint price and had substituted instead noticeably more favorable prices.
you can fight through the jargon, what this basically means is that
Chase decided to go into the fiction business and invent a new way to
value its crazy-ass derivative bets, using, among other things, a
computerized model the company designed itself called "P&L
predict" which subjectively calculated the value of the entire
fund toward the end of every business day. To make it even more
basic; when Chase started losing money, they just started making up
numbers to make the losses look better.
wait, there's more! The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, or
OCC, is the primary government regulator of Chase. The report exposes
two huge problems here. One, Chase consistently hid crucial
information from the OCC, including the sort of massive increases in
risk the OCC was created precisely to monitor. Two, even when the
bank didn't hide stuff, the OCC was either too slow or too
disinterested to take notice of potential problems. At one point,
Chase added nearly $50 billion in risk and failed to mention the fact
to the OCC – but the OCC also failed to bat an eyelid when Chase
breached its stress limits eight times in a space of six months,
often for weeks at a time.
The Senate investigators highlighted a frightening metaphor to explain what they found out about Chase's response to its burgeoning accounting disaster last winter and spring:
The Senate investigators highlighted a frightening metaphor to explain what they found out about Chase's response to its burgeoning accounting disaster last winter and spring:
The head of the CIO's London office, Achilles Macris, once compared managing the Synthetic Credit Portfolio, with its massive, complex, moving parts, to flying an airplane. The OCC Examiner-in-Charge at JPMorgan Chase told the Subcommittee that if the Synthetic Credit Portfolio were an airplane, then the risk metrics were the flight instruments. In the first quarter of 2012, those flight instruments began flashing red and sounding alarms, but rather than change course, JPMorgan Chase personnel disregarded, discounted, or questioned the accuracy of the instruments instead.
took note of this and then, sensibly, wondered if Chase was the only
bank ignoring all those flashy lights:
The bank's actions not only exposed the many risk management deficiencies at JPMorgan Chase, but also raise systemic concerns about how many other financial institutions may be disregarding risk indicators and manipulating models to artificially lower risk results and capital requirements.
The testimony continued today, and the tactic appears to be trying to build a wall around Jamie Dimon; to make the case that it was rogue traders, with criminal intent, mismarking the books. But, this does not, or at least it should not protect management. And one of the big problems is that management allowed the traders to mark their own books. It is the responsibility of management to know and have procedures in place to alert them to potential fraud or regulatory violations, and the first step in the procedures handbook is you don't let the traders mark their own books. You don't put the fox in charge of the henhouse. You don't let the inmates run the asylum.
if this is what the bank executives are trying to pawn off on the
Senate investigators, they have another problem. It is impossible for
the bank's external auditor to sign off on financial statements until
and unless the control breakdowns are remediated sufficiently for the
auditor to provide assurance. The controls and procedures were so
systemically flawed that the bank could not provide an honest
external audit. Practically impossible.
fact that the unit with the weaknesses by all accounts was under the
direct control of the CEO throws doubt on the validity of his prior
certifications about the quality of the internal controls. The
external auditors will be under extreme pressure to either support or
refute the earlier certifications. Falsifying the certification is
the worst Sarbanes Oxley violation there is, so Dimon is going to
have to come up with an airtight rebuttal.
wait, there's more!
wasn't just a breakdown of controls. The Senate report goes on to
detail how management hid the existence and role of the unit within
the JP Morgan Chief Investment office that entered into the “whale”
trades, the Synthetic Credit Portfolio, from its inception, even as
its exposures ballooned, from the OCC
bank made repeated, knowing misrepresentations about the size of the
losses, the severity of the control failures, and the degree of
management knowledge to regulators and investors
contempt for regulators and for the need for timely and adequate
disclosure is symptomatic of an out of control environment. Between
the beginning of the year and end of April 2012, the SPG breached
risk limits 330 times, sometimes even violating bank-wide limits. Yet
staff and management regarded them as an inconvenience rather than
treating them as shrieking alarms that warranted swift action
Morgan managers and risk control officers were aware of and complicit
in the mismarking of positions.
impression the bank gave and the media duly parroted was that this
was a big “oopsie,” that the bank had implemented a model that
had a serious bug in it and just happened to make the Synthetic
Credit Portfolio look much better than it really was. The problem,
according to the bank was that the new model for risk, had a few
bugs, and the new program required manual entry of data, and there
were a few mistakes incorporating the formula and the calculations.
But don't worry, we sent an intern over to best Buy and he bought
some great new software called Microsoft Excel, so we've worked out
all of the IT problems, and it will never happen again. Ooops.
few times, or maybe more than a few times, I’ve heard it stated
that “we should never attribute malice when mere incompetance
serves as an explanation.” Reality, and facts, long ago established
that the banks do not deserve the “benefit of the doubt”. It
would be sweetly ironic though if Jamie did go down over an innocent
mistake, rather than for the multiple crimes he has committed. He
might shout, as they drag him from the dock, ” I did not commit
this (particular) crime! It was an (economic) hedge! We all make
mistakes, but when I make a mistake, I don't lose billions of
dollars. These guys just operate at a different level, right? Not
new model actually allowed the London trading unit to take on much
bigger risk, essentially doubling down on a losing bet. And the
management of the bank knew it because, this will shock you; some of
the lower level traders sent emails to upper level executives that
questioned the new model for increased risk and mispricing.
the discrepancies were huge. Mr. Iksil, the London Whale, estimated
in one email that the Portfolio had lost about $600 million, but
using the friendlier model the loss was only $300 million, and then
on the same day, the bank reported a loss of only $12 million.
On July 13, 2012, the bank restated its first quarter earnings, reporting additional SCP losses of $660 million. JPMorgan Chase told the Subcommittee that the decision to restate its financial results was a difficult one, since $660 million was not clearly a “material” amount for the bank, and the valuations used by the CIO did not clearly violate bank policy or generally accepted accounting principles. The bank told the Subcommittee that the key consideration leading to the restatement of the bank’s losses was its determination that the London CIO personnel had not acted in “good faith”
a company of JP Morgan’s stature to be compelled to restate prior
period financials is a very clear signal of bigger problems with
their overall financial reporting.
wait, there's more!
you have been following this story, you may remember that Jamie Dimon
once called the Synthetic Credit Portfolio an “economic hedge”.
The idea of a hedge is the difference between gambling and insurance;
a hedge is supposed to insure assets. But which assets? The traders
at the London Trading unit and other bank officials have not been
able to identify the assets that the Synthetic Credit Portfolio was
supposed to hedge.
line. They were gambling. They started losing. They doubled down on
the bet. They lied. They tried to hide the losses from regulators and
investors and the public. They lost more. They lied more. And now,
the Senate has delivered the heads of upper management at Chase on a
silver platter to the Department of Justice. The question is: will
the DOJ will prosecute?
the answer is...
know the answer.
you still aren't sure you know the answer, this
article from Wall Street on Parade explained it:
But wait, there's more!
Barofsky served as the special inspector general in charge of
oversight of the Troubled Asset Relief Program. And I found this
article which basically lays out how the banks tend to act when
they think they are too big to jail. The basic problem of the housing
crisis is in danger of being repeated, and JPMorgan Chase would love
to get some of that action, to the point where they are trying to
bully credit agencies, and finally they are encountering resistance,
largely due to the $5 billion dollar lawsuit against S&P. Imagine
the deterrent effect of Jamie Dimon in handcuffs.
Have a great weekend!
That is all.
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