Note: I will be speaking at the 2013 Wealth Protection Conference on April 5th and 6th. For information, click here
Taxes, Sequester, Inequality, Name That Stadium
by Sinclair Noe
+ 119 = 14,000
SPX + 13 = 1515
NAS + 30 = 3161
10 YR YLD - .01 = 1.97%
OIL + .52 = 93.36
GOLD + 4.50 = 1582.50
SILV + .08 = 28.86
SPX + 13 = 1515
NAS + 30 = 3161
10 YR YLD - .01 = 1.97%
OIL + .52 = 93.36
GOLD + 4.50 = 1582.50
SILV + .08 = 28.86
European Commission has released its forecast for this year for
Euro-zone economic growth, or lack thereof. The economy is expected
to shrink in back to back year for the first time, driving
unemployment higher, and spending will likely be lower for
governments, consumers, and companies. Gross domestic product in the
17-nation region will fall 0.3% this year, compared with a November
prediction of 0.1% growth. Unemployment will climb to 12.2%, up from
the previous estimate of 11.8%. The commission’s weak outlook
reflects government austerity measures and efforts by companies and
consumers to reduce debt. Seven Euro-zone economies are expected to
contract in 2013, including: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus,
Slovenia, and the Netherlands. Germany is expected to show modest
growth of 0.5%, revised down from earlier estimates.
of the things the Europeans are considering is a tax on financial
trading; it will likely go into effect as soon as next year. The
traders claim a tax would hurt economic growth and raise the cost of
capital for companies, and they claim it would drive trading to other
countries, leaving the country that adopted it with less revenue and
fewer jobs. But those arguments have not proved persuasive in Europe,
which thinks it has found a way to keep institutions from avoiding
the tax.
tax would be tiny for investors who buy and hold, but could prove to
be significant for traders who place millions of orders a day. Under
the proposal, a trade of shares worth 10,000 euros would face a
tax of one-tenth of 1 percent, or 10 euros. A trade of a derivative
would face a tax of one-hundredth of 1 percent. But that tax would be
applied to the notional value, which can be very large relative to
the cost of the derivative. So a credit-default swap on 1
million euros of debt would have a tax of 100 euros, or about 0.4
percent of the annual premium on such a swap.
tax would be far smaller than the fixed commissions that American
investors once took for granted, and even less than the costs
implicit in the fact that until decimalization arrived in 2001, that
most stocks could move only in increments of one-eighth of a dollar,
or 12.5 cents.
the tax isn't likely to destroy markets, however it will probably
slow down high frequency traders and some hedge fund trading. In
those circumstances, traders typically trade with highly leveraged
funds on very narrow margins; it's a great strategy when it works;
it's a huge disaster when it doesn't work.
what's to prevent investors from just trading in other jurisdictions?
The tax would be owed no matter where the trade took place, as long
as a European security or European institution was involved. The law
has been written so broadly that if a French bank bought shares in an
American company on the New York Stock Exchange, the tax would be
owed. The Europeans call it a Triple A approach: all markets, all
actors and all products.
get out of the tax, a financial institution would have to do more
than simply move its headquarters out of the 11 countries that now
plan to impose the tax. It would also have to forgo serving clients
in any of those countries and trading in securities or derivatives
from any of the countries. Officials are confident that no major
institution will be willing to forsake such large markets as France,
Germany, Italy and Spain.
scope of the tax is very broad. The proposal has exceptions for
currency trading and the physical trading of commodities, but not for
derivatives like currency or commodity futures contracts. When a
company sold newly issued securities to investors, that transaction
would not be taxed, but subsequent market trades would be.
Over-the-counter trades would be subject to tax just as would
transactions on a stock exchange, as long as a financial institution
was involved. You could sell your shares in Daimler to a friend
without paying tax, but not if you got a broker involved.
thinks it can bring in 31 billion euros, about $41 billion at current
exchange rates, from the tax. The United States presumably could
collect more if it adopted a similar tax. A secondary benefit of the
tax is something the Euro-Commission describes as “creating
appropriate disincentives for transactions that do not enhance the
efficiency of financial markets”; in other words, it will be
tougher on gamblers and reckless speculation. Will it work? We'll
find out.
will cast ballots on Sunday and Monday for a new government. The
likely winner is the center-left candidate, Pier Luigi Bersani, but
there is a very good chance he won't get enough votes to actually
form a government. Bersani may be forced into a coalition governmment
involving Mario Monti, the technocrat who served as temporary PM
following Berlusconi's resignation. The other candidates include
former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, (who just won't go away)
representing the right, and a comedian named Beppe Grillo,
representing left field.
mention the Italian elections, not because I have great insight into
Italian politics, nor do I think it represents a make or break moment
for the European Union, although it certainly has the potential to
reignite the euor-zone crisis and affect the world economy. Rather I
bring it to your attention in the hope that, by way of comparison,
the Washington political situation isn't a complete mess....
a mess, and that mess will be on full display next week as we head to
the finish line for sequestration. The quick recap is that
there was a budget stalemate in the summer of 2011. A “super
committee” of Democrats and Republicans were unable to agree to a
large-scale deficit reduction package and as a result both parties
signed off on the Budget Control Act, which slashed domestic and
military spending by $1 trillion over the next decade. The deal
between the two parties was designed to force them to come to the
negotiating table again to avoid these draconian measures but both
sides have been shockingly partisan and uncompromising. It appears
unlikely there will be consensus by next Friday.
the sequester takes effect as planned, employee furloughs in the
Defense Department as well as air traffic controllers, meat
inspectors and other government workers could begin in April. It is
not a doomsday scenario but it is going to be tough because there are
other factors at play. If the sequester takes effect as
planned, employee furloughs in the Defense Department as well as air
traffic controllers, meat inspectors and other government workers
could begin in April. The Payroll Tax Holiday ended with the
fiscal cliff deal; and that means 2% less from paychecks. Toss in a
one month 47 cent per gallon jump in gas prices. Don't forget that
stock prices have bumped their hats on resistance. And the Federal
Reserve's printing press is already running full speed. You
don't have to turn bearish, but this is not the time for complacency.
of the most frightening things this past week was the FOMC minutes,
wherein at least a few Federal Reserve policymakers actually started
believing their own PR, and started to subscribe to the notion that
the markets reflect fundamentals, and they actually believe that the
strength of the markets reflects an improving economy. And an
improving economy doesn't need the Federal Reserve's printing press
running at full speed, so some of them want to shut down the printing
press, which is the lifeblood of the markets.
the debate over the sequester, Democrats and the Obama administration
have repeatedly called for closing loopholes in the tax code that
disproportionally benefit the wealthy in lieu of drastic cuts to each
and every sector of government. Republicans have continued to back
spending cuts, and have indicated that they are generally opposed to
tax increases, except maybe, very specific tax increases, but nothing
big. The backdrop for this debate is income inequality. There
is a way to measure income inequality; it's the Gini ratio, which
measures the gap between the rich and the poor. The US ranks 41st out
of 136 countries for inequality and we have the 4th highest
inequality levels of 34 so-called developed nations. Income
inequality is a problem. The question is, why?
have argued big government, taxation and regulations are restricting
small business owners from moving up to a higher income bracket. They
have proposed cutting the size of government to enable small business
owners to flourish.
have argued that the income disparity comes from low wages and
privileges granted to the wealthy in the form of low capital gains
taxes on investment incomes and on other tax loopholes. They
have proposed increasing the minimum wage and raising the capital
gains rate.
Hungerford of the non-partisan Congressional Research Service has
published a report that says income inequality is largely derived
from changes in the way the government taxes income from capital
gains and dividends.
study found that the wealthy benefited from low tax rates on
investment income, which in turn caused their wealth to grow faster.
interest, and taxes have contributed to a lowering of income
inequality. Business income and retirement income have contributed to
an increase in income inequality. Capital gains and dividends have
contributed more to the rise of income inequality than everything
else put together.
taxing capital gains as ordinary income would make the playing field
more fair, and reduce over time income inequality. Such a tax would
serve as a deficit reduction measure that could replace portions of
the sequester. Of course the next question is whether a higher
capital gains tax would hurt the economy and growth prospects. There
is very little evidence to suggest higher capital gains rates have
any effect on economic growth. There simply is no empirical evidence
that investment levels increase when capital gains rates are reduced,
nor is there indication that investment levels decrease when capital
gains are increased.
I want to mention a story that actually appeared earlier in the
week. I don't know why I waited; maybe I was incredulous; maybe
I was concerned it was one of those Chuck Hagel speaking gigs with
Friends of Hamas – type stories. But this one is real. It involves
the naming rights to the football stadium for Florida Atlantic
University, which I had never heard of. For $6 million, the stadium
will henceforth be known as the GEO Group Stadium. GEO Group is a
private prison corporation. The FAU team mascot is an owl, and
already, the students have nicknamed the stadium “owlcatraz”.
United States penitentiary-industrial complex imprisons one-third to
one-half of all incarcerated individuals in the world. Additionally,
it has been reported that one of every three US individuals have some
sort of interaction with the criminal justice system before they are
25. While there are some six million behind bars – often for
penalties of 25 years or more – these figures do not include people
on parole and others who are out of the formal system but still
suffer the consequences of being behind bars.
understand naming rights; it's a form of advertising. The KFC Yum!
Center hopes to sell more Pepsi's and chicken. The University of
Phoenix Stadium which is actually located in Glendale, hopes to draw
attention to the online University which doesn't have an actual
football team. And don't forget Enron Field.
Group reported revenues in excess of $1.6 billion in 2011, income
generated mostly from state and federal prisons and detention centers
for illegal immigrants. The company owns or runs more than 100
properties that operate more than 73,000 beds. And they are not just
a private prison corporation, they a a bad private prison.
Specifically there have been accusations and GEO has lost lawsuits
regarding unnecessary deaths of people in their custody, pervasive
levels of staff sexual misconduct, cruelty and abuse of children held
in custody, and really disgusting and filthy conditions that would
make Carnival Cruise lines blush, and more.
why would GEO need to advertise its brand? Is this supposed to make
us want to embrace for profit incarceration? The single purpose of a
private prison corporation is to deliver the highest possible revenue
stream at the lowest possible cost. Justice is not part of that
equation. Rehabilitation and deterrence are not part of the profit
will now try to save you three hours on Sunday evening. It is not
necessary to sit through the tediously boring Oscar show to find the
winners. Nate Silver, the statistician who runs FiveThirtyEight, and
who accurately predicted the November elections; like 100% accuracy;
Silver has come out with the statistical probabilities of who will
win Oscars. I should warn you that he is better at predicting
elections than Oscar winners, but he has a 75% accuracy rate on the
Oscars. The methodology involves looking at the other awards
programs, such as the Screen Actors Guild, the Golden Globe, and then
weighting to awards that have frequently corresponded with the Oscar
winners in the past, and which are voted on by people who will also
vote for the Oscars.
Actor to Daniel Day-Lewis for Lincoln. Best Actress for Jennifer
Lawrence in Silver Linings Playboook. Tommy Lee Jones for Best
Supporting Actor in Lincoln. Best Supporting Actress goes to Anne
Hathaway for Les Miserables. The Best Director goes to Spielberg for
Lincoln. The Best Picture goes to Argo.
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